What does it take to put a C5 or C6 generation Corvette on track and have the ultimate in RELIABILITY? That was the question asked to us today. So we mined our own forum build threads for pictures and suggestions, plus asked Anthony Forney over at HorsePower Research, who has been around Corvettes and track prep for 20 years. We put the highlights in this forum thread.

What started as a C5 only list grew to also cover the LS2 & LS3 powered C6 models. The list is typical of almost any car model, but has many C5 and C6 specific issues and suggested fixes. Cooling system, brake pads, fluids, and a several more items. You can read the 2 part detailed forum post starting here.

What started out as a small list grew and grew, but again you can read all of it starting here. Thanks for reading!